LaTeX tools


Excel Add-In: wolfpack-2024-08-15.xlam which converts matrices/vectors to Matlab, MathProg and LaTeX format. It includes the Excel2LaTeX Add-In.
Wolfpack ribbon
You can activate this Add-In in Excel >> File >> Options (at bottom left) >> Add-Ins >> Go... >> Browse: wolfpack-2024-08-15.xlam


Several images can be converted with ImageMagick using: mogrify -format eps3 *.png with ren *.eps3 *.eps, or mogrify -quality 100 -format eps *.jpg or convert fig.png eps3:fig.eps or mogrify -quality 100 -format png *.emf. The generation of eps files can be challenging. For instance, conversion from emf to eps. LibreOffice Draw works best "out of the box".


Wordclouds - count number of words in text and display them with respective font sizes.